Special Reports

The "last mile" of the inflation fight might be more crucial

  • There are some signs that are showing the “last mile” of the inflation fight may be more challenging, also more crucial

Inflation measures how fast prices are rising for goods and services — anything from concert tickets and haircuts to groceries and furniture. Policymakers aim for a roughly 2% annual inflation target.

An often-overlooked economic measure is signaling serious trouble ahead

  • The economy sent a low-key signal that a recession is looming. The US LEI fell again and its persistent downward trajectory in recent months suggests a recession is increasingly likely before year end

After two years of shipping snarls, things are starting to turn around

  • After two years of port congestions and container shortages, disruptions are now easing as Chinese exports slow in light of waning demand from Western economies and softer global economic conditions.

A recession may be price to pay to beat inflation.

  • Should the Federal Reserve slow or halt its rate increases? The Fed can't allow inflation to become ingrained in the economy. It is more likely the Fed errs on the side of being aggressive on rates.

Americans financial distress headed to an all-time high

  • Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. As rising prices continue to outpace wage gains, families are finding less cushion in their monthly budget. Consumers are not able to keep up with the pace that inflation is increasing. Even high-income earners are stretched too thin.

There is lack of progress on inflation

  • Higher interest rates have done little to keep inflation in check, so more increases will be needed. It will take a while for the higher cost of capital to work its way through the economy

A global recession could last until the spring of 2024

  • China is in "quite a burst of a recession of sorts" driven by the real estate market, while Europe "has a recession of sorts, driven by energy. Global GDP grew 6% in 2021, but is expected to decelerate to 3.2% this year and 2.7% in 2023. Global economic growth is decelerating with the weakest pace of growth since 2001 outside of the financial crisis in 2008 and the brief plunge in the early days of the Covid pandemic. It is time to "batten down the hatches" in preparation for rough economic waters ahead.

Financial Survey

Global Artificial Intelligence Survey Report
  • All kinds of data show that we are optimistic about the artificial intelligence
Global City Competitiveness Survey
  • The economic and social development of global countries are showing convergence
Layout of Technological leadership
  • Driven by economic globalization, Layout of Technological leadership
Global Human Resources Survey
  • The global human resource survey is intended to analyze the investment
Survey on the Competitiveness of Science and Technology
  • Faced with the irreversible loss of manufacturing jobs, should robots
Consumer Behavior Research Report
  • Pay attention to the purchasing power and propensity of consumers
Survey on the Competitiveness of SMEs
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises are the core force in the economic
U.S. Medical Research
  • Understand the state of the U.S. medical space, analyze its problems


The U.S. economy is at crossroads

  • The consensus outlook for the fourth quarter is that GDP grew at a 2% seasonally adjusted annualized pace

The U.S. economy remains robust and resilient amid record tightening monetary policy cycle, but the latest data shows some signs of cooling off, that is economic growth likely slowed to its weakest pace in a year and a half to end 2023, possibly setting the stage for a more pronounced slowdown ahead.

China's economy needs to strengthen globalization

  • From the perspective of the nature of economic growth, investment in the initial stage is the potential growth driver; the mature stage is the stage of gradual stabilization

Explore China's international competitiveness

  • In view of the increasingly severe economic and financial crisis, in order to resist the adverse impact of the global economic environment on China, China has adopted prudent macroeconomic policies to cope with the situation

RMB Competitiveness Survey

  • With the continuous growth of China's economy, the RMB has attracted much more attention from global investors, and the future status of the RMB in the global currencies will be studied and judged

European Economic Outlook Report

  • Hit by the pandemic, also the impact of the global economy and the Eurozone debt crisis and other factors, it is expected that the overall economic growth rate of Europe will slow down significantly this year and next year, and there are also some significant downside risks

Made in China under the Global Economic Integration

  • The original economic development model of China has been brought into full play, and the transformation of the development model is a most pressing issue. Industrial upgrading is the key to the sustainable growth of China’s economy in the future

The focus of Japan-East Asia balance

  • With the gradual recovery of the Japanese economy and a relatively stable situation, many long-term issues that have impacted the sustained growth of Japanese economy have become the main challenges facing the Japanese government. Promoting the growth of Japanese economy through increased productivity has become the key point of economic strategy

Financial Survey

National Investment Report
  • Driven by economic globalization, the economic development
China Economic Metropolis
  • The characteristics of China's metropolitan area are different
Global Private Banking Survey
  • Focus on analysis and research on the development history
Focus on family trusts
  • A trust agency is entrusted by an individual or family to manage
China's property, stock market
  • The bubble in China’s real estate has threatened the continued
Post-Brexit Survey
  • Global financial stability risks continue to rise, and risks are diverted to
Investment opportunities in emerging markets
  • Global economic downside risks have weakened, economic growth
Public welfare and wealth management
  • That is, departments, enterprises and their facilities that directly

Economy Forum

The Focus of European Global Power Competition

Throughout the diplomatic history of Europe and the United States, values ​​are the foundation, and the democracy, the rule of law, the individual freedom have become the common sense between Europe and the United States. The risks in terms of global financial stability continue to rise

Financial Comment

IMF sharply lowered global economic growth forecasts

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated in the latest "World Economic Outlook Report" that the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic around the world will have a serious impact on the world economy, and its impact will exceed the 2008 international financial crisis


Explore the improvement of China's environmental governance system

  • Chinese economy can not achieve the sustainable growth impacted by the environmental problems. While the Chinese economy is growing rapidly, it is causing serious damage and adverse effects on the environment. China's environmental problems constrained sustained economic development
Focus on the history of the industrial revolution
Focus on National Laboratories
Inventory of pension management models around the world


Research on the Model of Stock Market Wealth Accumulation

  • One of the key points to the success or failure of futures investment is the ability to grasp market opportunities and avoid market risks. Each futures transaction is not only a profit opportunity, but also contains risks. Refers to futures as an investment tool
Interpretation of the operating model of hedge funds
How investors arbitrage in volatility
Customized stock market trading rules


A new era of human and robots coexistence

  • Technology companies have invested heavily in the research and development of devices that can read human emotions. Corporate employees have begun to adapt to working with robots
Technological development trends in the next 20 years
Cyber security and digitalization
Manufacturing in the digital age


Innovation is the most important asset of a company

  • Global grain, sugar and vegetable oil prices have risen. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recently revised its monthly food price index upwards to a 28-month high. The index has now risen for the fifth consecutive month
Decentralization and Dividing Money, the Leader's Touchstone
The internationalization and localization of Brands
Enterprise efficient management mode


Global stock market risk volatility tracking report
  • Study 49 developed and emerging markets, and pay close attention to
Listed company research report
  • The best way to understand the investment value of a company
New risk exposures in the crude oil market
  • The international crude oil market has fluctuated sharply recently
Global Equity Fund Report
  • Equity investment in private companies, ie non-listed companies
Securities and Fund Industry Survey
  • Raise capital through the sale of fund shares to form an independent fund
The economic crisis under the pandemic
  • The global public health crisis triggered by the pandemic has had a huge

Financial Data

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